The expansion’s title of course refers to the Lich King Arthus, Son of King Terenas Menethil, former Prince and Paladin of the Kingdom of Lordaeron; in the kingdom of Northrend he took up the Runeblade Frostmourne, becoming a Death Knight.Arthus fused with Ner’zhul the Lich King. He is King of the Scourge, and technically still King of Lordaeron, although that Kingdom no longer exists and few would claim him s a king since he was responsible partially for its fall.

Features of the expansion include:
* The dark, necromatic Death Knight - the first new character class added to World of Warcraft since its launch.
* Northrend, the harsh, icy continent where the Lich King holds rule, complete with new zones, quests, items and monsters.
* New level cap of 80 providing access to mighty new powers and talents
* New battlegrounds featuring siege engine warfare and destructible buildings
* Expanding character customization options including new hairstyles & dances, the ability to change the hairstyles of existing characters, and new skin color variants.
Rumors are that Utgarde Keep may be an instance based on this unsubstantiated “leaked” FAQ.via WoWWiki
Additionally, it looks like Games For Windows Magazine will be featuring Wrath of the Lich King on their September cover. You can check out all the juicy details over at 1up.

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